Association for Sustainable Forestry


The ASF is pleased to offer multiple training opportunities with the provincial Department of Natural Resources and Renewables providing certification or licensing to individuals who successfully complete the courses.

Pre-Treatment Assessment (PTA) for Forest Professionals is the umbrella training program under which other training “modules” exist. Perhaps the most significant is Forest Ecosystem Classification (FEC), which instructs the identification of forest vegetation and forest soils. Together, these components inform the classification of forest ecosites, which assists in forest stewardship decision-making.

Over 200 Forest Professionals have received FEC training since the introduction of the FEC. A maximum of 15 participants in each course helps to provide an instructor-to-student ratio which is practical for the woods.

Mensuration and metrics are important elements of collecting data used in making silviculture decisions, and training modules are offered to instruct Forest Professionals in these disciplines.

Training in biodiversity, including the identification of wildlife habitat and biodiversity features, rounds out the current set of “modules” which are offered through ASF’s training syllabus. This too, is a component of PTA Certification.

In addition to the above training, ASF offers the Provincial Scaling Course which, after completion and successfully passing the exam, enables individuals to earn a scaling license issued by the Province of Nova Scotia.

Please fill out the form below to indicate which courses you are interested in taking. Participants will then be contacted when dates are selected for the courses.

If there are any questions about the training or courses available, please contact Ben Hennigar at or (902) 324-0811.



Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from everyone at the ASF! ... See MoreSee Less
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Our first day of the scaling refresher course is underway, with more refreshers and a full scaling class coming later this summer. If interested in signing up or hearing about more training opportunities reach out to Ben Hennigar (902) 324-0811 or Paul Gilbert (902) 899-5066. Emails and contact info for the ASF can be found at ... See MoreSee Less
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Conway Customz Inc. did a fantastic job putting up the new sign at our new office location in Truro! ... See MoreSee Less
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In addition to administering several provincial forestry initiatives, the Association for Sustainable Forestry began offering training opportunities for Forest Professionals in 2010. These rigorous training courses complement many of the funding initiatives available through the ASF, with the provincial Department of Natural Resources and Renewables providing certification or licensing to individuals who successfully complete the courses.Pre-Treatment Assessment (PTA) for Forest Professionals is the umbrella training program under which other training “modules” exist. Perhaps the most significant is Forest Ecosystem Classification (FEC), which instructs the identification of forest vegetation and forest soils. Together, these components inform the classification of forest ecosites, which assists in forest stewardship decision-making.Over 200 Forest Professionals have received FEC training, with the most recent course wrapping up on June 6th. A maximum of 15 participants in each course helps to provide an instructor-to-student ratio which is practical for the woods. Mensuration and metrics are important elements of collecting data used in making silviculture decisions, and training modules are offered to instruct Forest Professionals in these disciplines.Training in biodiversity, including the identification of wildlife habitat and biodiversity features, rounds out the current set of “modules” which are offered through ASF’s training syllabus. This too, is a component of PTA Certification.In addition to the above training, ASF offers the Provincial Scaling Course which, after completion and successfully passing the exam, enables individuals to earn a scaling license issued by the Province of Nova Scotia.If you are interested in any of the above courses, contact Ben at the ASF. Ben’s contact information is or phone at (902) 324-0811. ... See MoreSee Less
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Physical Address:

1 – 62 Parkway Dr,
Truro Heights, Nova Scotia
B6L 1N8

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1833
Truro, Nova Scotia
B2N 5Z5

Contact Us


David Sutherland – 902-890-3061
Ed Maclean – 902-890-1939
Ben Hennigar – 902-324-0811
Scott Maston – 902-301-5305
Paul Gilbert – 902-899-5066


Contact Us