Following is the latest information on the silviculture treatments that are being funded through the Association for Sustainable Forestry (ASF).
Limited funding is available for:
1(b) Fill Planting
2 Full Planting
3 Manual Weeding of Plantations and Natural Stands
4 Pre-Commercial Thinning (PCT) of Plantations
5 Pre-Commercial Thinning (PCT) of Natural Stands
6 Commercial Thinning
7(a) Crop Tree Release
7(b) Crop Tree Pruning
7(c) Selection Management of Uneven-Aged Stands
The Silviculture Criteria explain the pre- and post-treatment conditions that a stand must meet in order to be eligible for funding through this program.
Note that Commercial Thinning and Selection Management must have a Pre-Treatment Assessment (PTA) completed by an FEC Certified individual if treated area is > 5ha.