Association for Sustainable Forestry

Hurricane Fiona Woodlot Assistance

In partnership with Nova Scotia Natural Resources and Renewables (NRR) and Disaster Financial Assistance of Nova Scotia (DFA), the Association for Sustainable Forestry (ASF) is coordinating a cleanup program which will assist landowners whose woodlots have been significantly impacted by windthrow caused by Hurricane Fiona.

Incentives will assist with cleanup and removal of merchantable wood fibre, and renewal of existing boundary lines.

Rates for softwood have been increased due to drying of stem wood since the windthrow event in September 2022.

For more information, contact the Association for Sustainable Forestry. Call 902.899.5066, 902.324.0811 or e-mail



Post Hurricane Fiona Satellite Imagery

Post-Fiona Imagery (

Frequently Asked Questions

For information and details on the Hurricane Fiona cleanup funding assistance – CLICK HERE

Biodiversity and Nutrient Sustainability Guidelines for Clean-up Operations on Private Lands

Fiona Salvage Guidelines Private (PDF)
SusMAI Tables (XLS)


Severe Damage ($617.50/ha)
A forested area where >75% of the trees are blown down, has stems broken or are leaning at greater than 15 degrees from vertical.

Moderate ($325/ ha)
A forested area where 50% to 75% of the trees are blown down, had stems broken or are leaning greater than 15 degrees from vertical.

Blended ($474.50/ ha)*
A forested area where the damage is moderate or greater, but highly variable and cannot be placed completely in the severe or moderate category.
* If the opinion of the Association

Previously Treated Stands ($325/ha)
A forested stand, previously treated by merchantable silviculture prior to September 23, 2022. These stands are only eligible for the moderate category.

Hardwood Clean-up ($1000/ha)*
A >50% hardwood forested area where >50% of the trees are blown down, has stems broken or leaning at greater than 15 degrees from vertical.
*Minimum property (PID) area is 4 hectares

Boundary Line Identification ($500/km)*
To cleanup existing and established boundary lines on cleanup areas that are bordered by a boundary line.
*Only those sections of boundary lines forming part(s) of the clean-up area are eligible for this assistance.

Boundary Line Retracement/Establishment ($1500/ km)*
Means to engage the services of a licensed Nova Scotia land surveyor for the purposes of re-tracing an existing boundary line that cannot be found or the establishment of a new boundary line.
*Only those sections of boundary lines forming part(s) of the clean-up area are eligible for this assistance.

Clean-up Treatment Criteria

  • Areas claimed for clean-up must have evidence of removal of wood products and left in a condition suitable for reforestation by planting (which may include site preparation) or natural regeneration. Completed clean-up areas must be able to be 70% stocked to commercial forest species at 2.4m x 2.4m spacing. Future silvicultural operations will not be hindered by excessive amounts of un-clean-up material, or by dangerous trees or overhead hazards.
  • The Association shall confirm the accuracy of all claimed areas.

Boundary Line Identification Criteria

Boundary line identification is the process of cutting out and clearing an existing boundary line to make it more visible.


Our first day of the scaling refresher course is underway, with more refreshers and a full scaling class coming later this summer. If interested in signing up or hearing about more training opportunities reach out to Ben Hennigar (902) 324-0811 or Paul Gilbert (902) 899-5066. Emails and contact info for the ASF can be found at ... See MoreSee Less
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Conway Customz Inc. did a fantastic job putting up the new sign at our new office location in Truro! ... See MoreSee Less
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In addition to administering several provincial forestry initiatives, the Association for Sustainable Forestry began offering training opportunities for Forest Professionals in 2010. These rigorous training courses complement many of the funding initiatives available through the ASF, with the provincial Department of Natural Resources and Renewables providing certification or licensing to individuals who successfully complete the courses.Pre-Treatment Assessment (PTA) for Forest Professionals is the umbrella training program under which other training “modules” exist. Perhaps the most significant is Forest Ecosystem Classification (FEC), which instructs the identification of forest vegetation and forest soils. Together, these components inform the classification of forest ecosites, which assists in forest stewardship decision-making.Over 200 Forest Professionals have received FEC training, with the most recent course wrapping up on June 6th. A maximum of 15 participants in each course helps to provide an instructor-to-student ratio which is practical for the woods. Mensuration and metrics are important elements of collecting data used in making silviculture decisions, and training modules are offered to instruct Forest Professionals in these disciplines.Training in biodiversity, including the identification of wildlife habitat and biodiversity features, rounds out the current set of “modules” which are offered through ASF’s training syllabus. This too, is a component of PTA Certification.In addition to the above training, ASF offers the Provincial Scaling Course which, after completion and successfully passing the exam, enables individuals to earn a scaling license issued by the Province of Nova Scotia.If you are interested in any of the above courses, contact Ben at the ASF. Ben’s contact information is or phone at (902) 324-0811. ... See MoreSee Less
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The ASF is calling for forest industry operators to propose incentive-based programs (up to 2 years) to support the clean-up of low-grade fiber from private lands damaged by Hurricane Fiona.The ASF will work with industry, key organizations, private operators to propose innovative and effective solutions to recover marketable low-grade fibre, while producing economic benefits.Proposals will include; Species, Volumes, Location, Timeline, Budget, and will need to consider effects on Private Landowners, Contractors (harvesting and trucking) as well as the Forest Industry in general. Below is an application form for the Fiona Cleanup Challenge Program. More information can be found our website. ... See MoreSee Less
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Forestry contractors in Nova Scotia are eligible for up to $250,000 in funding.This can help purchase new equipment or used equipment or to fund retrofits.Here's the link for more information: ... See MoreSee Less
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Physical Address:

1 – 62 Parkway Dr,
Truro Heights, Nova Scotia
B6L 1N8

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 696
Truro, Nova Scotia
B2N 5E5

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